
Friday, 28 June 2013

New Sem and it's OUR FINAL sem, insya-Allah! ^.^

Salam Jumaat :)
Confidence comes not from always being right but from not fearing to be wrong.
-Peter T. Mcintyre-
Hmm almost 2 weeks dah class start... haiyaa and yet aku still rase nak blekkk haha. awal2 sem dah byk bnde kne fikirrr... assignment assignment assignment... Debate laaa, public speaking laa.... and aku rase yg plg interesting is MOCK-TRIAL hihi...



A student giving his closing argument during a mock trial
The mock trial begins with the judge entering the courtroom. The judge then gives out the instructions to the jury (about what they are to listen to). Then if there is a pretrial motion, the defense and prosecution give their respective pretrial arguments. The judge then lets the prosecution or plaintiff give an opening statement followed by the opening statement of the defense. After the opening statements, examination of the witnesses begins. The prosecution/plaintiff calls their witnesses first. A student competitor attorney for the prosecution/plaintiff does a direct examination of the witness. Once the direct examination is complete, the opposing team may cross-examine the witness. After the cross-examination, if the first team chooses, they may redirect the witness and, likewise, the other team may do a re-cross after this. This process is repeated for the two remaining plaintiff witnesses. Once the prosecution/plaintiff has finished with their witnesses, the process is repeated with the defense witnesses, having the defense attorneys direct and the plaintiff attorneys cross-examine.
Once all of the witnesses have been examined, the trial moves to closing arguments. The prosecutor/plaintiff again goes first. After the defense finishes their closing argument, the plaintiff may give a rebuttal argument if they still have time remaining. In some competitions, the rebuttal is limited to the scope of the defense’s closing argument.[8] Time limits are set at each level of competition to prevent the trials from running too long and to keep rounds of competition running smoothly.


Attorney evaluators give critique at the end of a mock trial competition.
There are several different ways that a mock trial can be judged. In one, the judges for scoring the mock trial consist of the presiding judge and two scoring judges, all of whom score the teams. In a second method, there are two scoring judges and the presiding judge, as in the first method, but the presiding judge does not score the teams, rather the judge simply votes or casts a ballot for one team or another.[8] In yet another method of judging, there are three scoring judges and the presiding judge is not involved in the scoring of the teams. Often at college invitationals, there are two scoring judges, one of whom doubles as the presiding judge. Since enticing attorneys to judge is notoriously difficult (as judges are rarely compensated with more than a free lunch), it is rare to see more than two judges in a round at most competitions.
Unlike real law, the victorious team does not necessarily have to win on the merits of the case. Instead, evaluators score individual attorneys and witnesses on a 1-10 scale based on each stage of the trial. These consist of the opening statements for the plaintiff and defense, each of the witnesses’ testimony, direct and cross-examination by attorneys, and the closing statements for both sides. The team with the highest total number of points is often, but not always, the team that wins the judge's verdict. Given this method of scoring, it is possible for the defendant to be found guilty or lose the case but for the defense team to still win the round.
In some competitions, points can be deducted from a team’s score for testifying with information outside the scope of the mock trial materials and for unsportsmanlike conduct or abuse of objections. However, scores are completely at a judge's discretion, meaning that scores are arbitrary.

Sumber : Wikipedia :)

Nak dipendekkan cter ny.... mock-trial ni lbh focus scene dlm court... argument sumee tu haaaa....
So after dpt case utk mock-trial next week, maka bmule laa kebusy-an dgn bnde2 ni hihihi 
p/s : Fadz, get ready laa as leader ekkkkk.... aiyaa aiyaa!


Suara hati

Hmm..arini aq tdo lmbat dr base..pehh..xpnah2..sbbnye esok nk spend time settlekn keje yg ptot
lme gler kot aq xdgr eyka wat post

Sdih ble dgr kwn yg dlunye leh d'katakn alim but now..hmm..hanya Tuhan yg tau n ade gak yg dulu base2 je tp skng syukur da insaf kot. Inilah yg d'katakn hdayah di tgn Allah.

Jles rsenye.. normal r manusia kn..kwn aq lbih2 lg dak DQ sejuk je mata mmndng. Respect kot kt org yg baik2 nih..ckp sopan santun (means xgdik or manja), ble baca al-Quran sdap.haisyh..ntungla ank spe la tu..meh cni leh wat mnantu kot..

Kalo la aq pon leh consistent jd baik. Ni x ckap je nk insaf n then wat blik.. Mak aq pnah ckp aq ank de***** kot.. aq ni jnis yg xde prasaan ..ckpla pe yg nk ckp tp ble mak aq ckp cm2 cm nk nangis je rsenye tp ape leh bwt..adela bnde slah yg perlu d'perbtolkn

Aq nk sgt jd cm org yg ble d'pndng sejuk je mata mmndng..tenang je rse jiwa. Tp sgala2 nye perlu dr hti kot..kalo hti x bersih so sgala amln pon xleh nk jln r

Nk sgt dok kt Mekah tu..lpekn dunia..bwt amal byk2 tuk akhirat..skng ni byk org pk dunia ble ckp psal akhirat mst akn ckp sjk ble ko insaf aq ske share bnde2 agama nih..brula b'mnfaat even aq xpndai nk b'kias or b'mdah2 ttg agama nih.

Ya Allah, ampunilah dosa hambamu ini